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As the calendar year comes to a close I’ve been reading through my wee 'book of wisdom' I started at the start of the year, where I jot notes after accompaniment sessions with clients and deep conversations with friends. Most of these are not new awarenesses, but are wee pearls of wisdom to remind myself of in the future!

Perhaps now I’m the grand old age of fifty, in the wild wise woman phase of my life, you’ll permit me the indulgence of sharing some of what I’ve written… in a 'lessons for life' kind of way… Obviously, they're from my perspective, through the lens of my worldview, you may believe something totally different. Of course, you're absolutely welcome to believe what you like... I'm sharing in case what feels like wisdom to me also feels useful to you

So, in no particular order... here are 13 things which made my wee book of wisdom this year...

Everything we perceive in the world is coloured by our worldview - our truth might be very different to someone else’s, but that doesn't make one truth any less than another and it's OK to have different truths.

The wounds of our childhood are triggered again and again in our relationships, until we find enough safety to be able to feel (not distract with drink, drugs, shopping, food, etc.) our feelings (the physical sensations of our feelings, in our bodies) and heal.

If we can feel the feelings as they arise, we can be porous to them allowing them to pass through us, instead of them getting stuck and needing processing later.

Loving the parts of us that feel unloveable (the ones that bring embarassment, shame and disgust) re-members us, calls back all the fragmented parts of us, returns us to wholeness.

We can call in all the energetic Love, support and holding in everything we do to support us in life.  We are never alone... 'alone' is 'all one'.

We are part of nature, not separate to it... we are nature, we are made of the same elements as the earth.

Productivity and guilt are a scam. We're human beings not human doings and it's OK (essential even) to put yourself first at times.

♡ The stories we’ve been told are not always 'the truth'... I'm thinking of history or his-story!

We're not as conscious in our choices as we think - thoughts, actions, behaviours and even our values can come from childhood conditioning and when we experience strong emotions, it’s often not about the thing that's happening now, but about what happened to us when we were young.

Anger is a valid emotion... all our emotions are valid... and we're meant to feel the whole spectrum of emotions... to feel them, not project them onto others.

Anxiety and overwhelm happen when we have several enormous feelings all at once. Often when that's the case we can't identify where each feeling is in our body, instead it feels like our body is totally immersed in the emotions.

We’re meant to clear the conditioning (the shoulds, oughts, cants, fears) we gather through life and live from Love. We are Love!

If we trust our intuition, follow our joy and live with intention, we can live the life we came here to live.

What's one piece of wisdom that's you have discovered or remembered this year?

Would love you to share your wisdom with me... ♡ Jo

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